Hi there! I am Gaurav. I did my undergrad in Electronics and Communications Engineering from National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur, India. I worked for around 6
years in India, over the course of which, I developed an interest in Computer Science. The interest kept growing until, finally, in fall of 2017, I found myself halfway
across the world in Iowa, USA, ready to formally begin my journey into the world of CS. I graduated from Iowa State University with a Masters in Computer Science in December
of 2019. I worked in US for around 3 years, after which I teleported to Poland where I currently live.
This page is intended to serve as an index for all the things (projects, notes, code, blogs, photos) that I have created so far, in one single place, for easy reference. I
hope for it to also serve as a central repository for all things, academic and otherwise, that have interested me over the years and continue to interest me today as well.
This page is intended to be more personal in nature, so there absolutely are errors in this page. Reason of keeping the page public is just in case parts of it end
up helping someone by mistake.
If you have any suggestions for the site, or would just like to chat, feel free to send me a mail: rajgaurav.bk.7421@gmail.com